Moose Factory, Inc shuts down
For the latest information about Paul Dumais, visit PaulDumais.com or LinkedIn .
Factory CEO tapped for uWink Media Bistro
Dumais has joined Nolan
Bushnell and the executive
team at uWink,
Inc. (UWNK) to
develop the uWink Media Bistro franchise. As CTO at
uWink, Mr. Dumais brings his many years of experience integrating
technolgy and entertainment to the fast
casual restaurant market. Additional information about the uWink
Media Bistro can be found at the uWink.com web
site. The first restaurant will open summer 2006 in Los Angeles.
New MoonlightBasin.com Web Site is Launched
colaboration with Moonlight Basin Ranch, CHISEL
Industries, Classic Ink, Heather
Elliotte Designs, Moose Factory has re-launched the MoonlightBasin.com web
site with a fresh new design, a powerful content management system,
and many new features. Additional services are being developed
specificaly for the Ski, Spa,
and Golf sections
of the new web site.
the first three months following the new site launch, Moonlight
Basin experienced a dramatic increase in web traffic (50% came
from Google
organic search) and a 3x increase in the volume of skiers
at the resort (compared to the previous ski season). Moose Factory
has recieved much recognition and praise for the increased accessibility
and usability of the web site which contributed to the increase
in both traffic and conversions.
Basin Resort Selects Moose Factory for Technology Development
Basin, a world class resort destination in Big Sky, Montana,
has selected Moose Factory to provide custom software devopment,
systems integration, web design, development and hosting as well
as a broad range of consulting services.
2005 Audio Visual Arts Festival
Dumais joins Peter Fonda and Jim Brubaker on the HatcH
Advisory Board. Moose Factory sponsors Second Annual HatcH
Festival. Many industry
veterans were involved in making this year's event bigger than
ever. Congratulations to all of the talented
artists that were selected for competition.
Revealed at AD:TECH San Francisco
Dumais provides a sneak peak at REFERRALPATH to select members of
the advertising industry at AD:TECH San Francisco. REFERRALPATH is
a next generation PPA Transaction Architecture that is slated for
release in the summer of 2005. This is the second turn-key software
solution that Moose Factory has developed for the advertising and
lead generating business sector. SEEDTRACKER, the core software that
powers SeedAdvertising.com, was developed in 2004.
Media Launches Entertainment Portal Grab.com
Media, Inc (MIX) launches
their new flashship enterainment portal Grab.com which
exploits many of the ideas and technologies acquired when they purchased
Superdudes.net last year. Most notably, the avatar system is based
on the Superdudes "Hero Card" system and even reuses many
of the excellent original assets created by the Supernating
Superdudes. The newer, more powerful, avatar system is based
on a White Paper written by Paul Dumais and Brian Selzer for Intermix.
Acquired by eUniverse (Intermix Media)
Superdudes™ sold to Intermix
Media (MIX). Unique "avatar" technology cited as key
motivation for purchase. Moose Factory founder and Superdudes CTO,
Paul Dumais, retained as technology advisor to Intermix Media's new
casual gaming division.
Names Paul Dumais to Advisory Board
TransplantConnect.com CEO
John Piano recruits Paul Dumais to board of advisors. Moves server
farm to Moose Factory co-location facility.
Superdudes™ Takes Off!
Superdudes™ is a unique multimedia property where participants
actively create their own Superhero, character, or alter-ego. The
property was launched in January 2003, and has quickly become one
of the fastest growing "youth" websites with average time
spent per user of over 2 hours and 17 minutes, which is above such
Internet giants as Yahoo, MSN, eBay , AOL, GoTo (Disney), MTV and
many more.
As the CTO of Superdudes, Paul Dumais has designed and developed
many new and innovative technologies that power the Superdudes online
experience. Years of experience in building highly scalable and dynamic
Web properties were the foundation for the unprecedented scope and
scale of the Superdudes systems architecture. A large and growing
server farm has been built in the Moose Factory co-location facilities
where traffic has increased nearly 10 fold in the past 6 months.
Factory Develops New Business Application for AutoClassics, Inc.
built application powers new B2B Web site for the vehicle transportation
industry. www.ShipVehicles.com
Factory Develops New Dynamic Web Site for ATTIK Design Group
site, designed by Attik, uses Moose Factory built XML Content Management
System to dynamically present the unique work of this innovative
design and branding agency. The new Web site has been nominated as
a BDA Design Awards Finalist. Moose Factory signs contract to develop
second phase of Attik.com Web services. www.Attik.com
Agency Selects TheList™ CRM Product from Moose Factory
Endeavor Media Inteligence newsletter is published online each day
using Moose Factory's TheList service. Endeavor is able to reliably
deliver and track the use of this very valuable insiders newsletter.
Inc. Selects MooseFactory for Colo
Management Service PHLUENT chose Moose Factory for collocation services
due to our stability, price, and customer service. Phluent.com
Selects MooseFactory for Colo
Rico's leading youth portal hosts servers with MooseFactory. A community
and magazine targeted at 18-24 year olds VidaCool is now the 4th
largest site in Puerto Rico. Vidacool.com
Recruits Paul Dumais as Online Security Adviser
LegalZoom.com launches
online legal advice service to rave reviews. Quickly becomes market
leader. CTO Edward Hartman recruits Paul Dumais as online security
advisor. Secure server farm deployed in Moose Factory co-location
Dumais takes equity stake in Superdudes, LLC and named CTO/SVP
is creating a multimedia property that has the potential of becoming
a "super-brand" that will appeal to a broad demographic.
The central hub of this multi-legged property will be a sophisticated
Web site where new Superdudes are created, nurtured, and compete
in "the game of life". Superdudes.net
Dumais is Co-Founder and CTO of New Entertainment Production
Company - Network Fungus, Inc.
Fungus (FungiTV) brings together
some of the best young Hollywood writing and directing talent to
create a new and unique entertainment channel on the Web. The hilarious Do's
and Dont's show has been syndicated through Carsey Werners's
eUniverse network and appears on Microsoft's WindowsMedia streaming
media site. Fungi.TV content has appeared on other channels including
AeroCast VOD service.
Selects Moose Factory as Technology Partner.
was one of the first B2B sites for buyers and sellers of Film and
Television rights online. Touted as one of the most sophisticated
and complete solutions, and named the "Official Online Business
to Business Film and Television Solution of 2000" by the American
Film Market (AFM). Paul Dumais was tapped as acting CTO to provide
technology leadership and assist in securing almost $3M in capital
investments. Mr. Dumais led the development effort to bring this
amazing business online in record time. The site won several awards
and was later acquired by competitor ReelPlay.com with the valuation
based primarily on the value of the technology.
Dumais Builds VOD Solution at Intertainer
involved as a technology consultant and quickly evolving into a key
player as Director of Network Engineering and Operations, Paul Dumais
was responsible for the deployment of multiple successful video on
demand (VOD) market trials with Comcast, US West, and others. Intertainer.com